Thanks so much, Tavian, for your kind response and for your consideration of the idea.
Yes, I think we may eventually understand more of the background’s nature. From our familiar vantage point here in space-time, the (abstract) background is simply the perimeter, or border of each grain forming an ongoing elision with its neighboring grains . . . somewhat in the way that a soapy film can encapsulate a froth of bubbles. In this quantized bubblebath (space) of ours, abstraction exists AS the grains’ dimensionless perimeter. This border defines the grain’s shape and contains the grain’s valueless space-time properties (with volume as the only expressed, or discrete property), much in the way that the perimeter lines of a triangle contain all the information which define it. The abstract border tells the grain’s volume to “end here” and is the reason, of course, that space is even quantized. Should the grain’s border—that abstract background— blend with the vibrational idea of some particle, the grain’s properties will acquire the discrete values of the idea. No longer able to maintain its abstract nature, the grain then collapses down to the discrete particle in question. TMI!? If you like, Tavian, I can send you the book . . . and I thank you again again for your invitation to contribute!