P.S.: ”You seem to be saying that ideas exist associated with every particle in the universe, no matter how small.”
Yes, and for coherent objects, too, such as the components which make up your brain. The idea for one of these, your microtubule network, becomes self-aware (as briefly described) and goes on to become your mind. So, in my opinion, it is the idea of the microtubule network which achieves conscious self-awareness and not the complexity of electrochemical activity. The latter is just the space-time by-product of consciousness (more on this...).
And, yes, the “vibrational idea” of a particle is aware, too (any idea is an awareness), but it is only an awareness of its properties and the probability of its emergence from moment to moment (“activity”) and far less aware than your human awareness (more...).
P.S.: “I have seen such a suggestion before in relation to free will.”
According to this idea, free will and determinism simply ~ ~ exist ~ ~ and are simultaneously in force as real conditions. That is, they area a duality (just like wave-particle duality). It’s way TMI for here, but I notice we’re both in San Francisco, if you’d like to talk in person.
Thank you, Phillip, for reading that awfully dense summary. The least I can do is buy you coffee if we meet!