"By far the biggest flaw with religion is that it is not falsifiable. And once an idea has proven itself to be non-falsifiable, it loses its credibility."
Is falsifiability a "flaw" of religion? That would be very very nice, but I’m not sure that the ideas and tenets of religion are supposed to be falsifiable. Unfortunately, we can only trust in these ideas, and we trust by means of faith and belief.
By contrast, faith and belief are unnecessary in order to KNOW that a scientific idea is correct and, yes, falsification is a great way to achieve that knowing; knowledge. Interestingly, the very word "science" comes from the Latin word "to know"—it's what separates science from unscientific ideas . . . and religion.
So can you ever know that religious ideas are correct? Are you supposed to "know"? I suspect that you can only believe, and have faith.